6 Tips for Protecting Your Property during Tree Removal

Tree CoTree Removal, Tree Trimming

6 Tips for Protecting Your Property during Tree Removal

If you live in a home that boasts a lush yard, you probably know that trees can greatly enhance the look and value of your property. But when trees become overgrown or start decaying, they can pose several risks to your house and family. This, in turn, necessitates an immediate tree removal.  

If you’re facing this situation, don’t worry. An experienced tree removal service can help you out. Of course, regularly trimming trees can go a long way in making them safer and more attractive. However, depending on the condition of the tree and danger it poses, a complete tree removal may be recommended.

When taking down a tree, it’s important to make sure that your property remains unharmed from the falling debris. You don’t want the tree or even a heavy branch falling on and destroying any part of your abode. That would mean increased stress and expenses for you.

Why It Is Important to Take Steps to Protect Your Property

The risk to your property can be minimized through a proper tree removal process. But if you don’t plan the various steps you can take to achieve this goal, your home is still at risk.

Falling branches and debris can damage your home if they fall on it. They can also endanger the lives of your family members. Further, not knowing how to fell a tree properly can put you in danger too.

On the other hand, knowing about the process, or better yet, entrusting this job to professional Utah tree removal experts will keep you and your property out of harm’s way. You’ll be able to prevent damage as well as injuries even as you cut down the tree safely.

How to Protect Your Property at the Time of Tree Removal

If you’re planning to go for tree removal in your yard, you’ll need to take some precautions to safeguard your home. Here are a few tips in this regard.

1. Study the Tree

Start the tree removal process by examining the tree to gauge the complexity of the felling job. Avoid cutting it down if you find dead branches that may be broken but still attached to or supported by surrounding branches. Cutting the tree in this condition may mean knocking a branch loose and risk it falling on your property or you.

Refrain from bringing down the tree if you see that it’s bent in one direction or overloaded with branches on one side. It’ll most likely fall in the direction in which it is leaning or loaded, which may not be desirable.

Further, don’t attempt tree removal if there are buildings, fences, power lines or other structures in the way. In all of these situations, it is best to call licensed and experienced tree removal service providers and have them take over the situation.    

2. Plan the Felling Zone

Before cutting the tree, you’ll have to get an accurate estimate of where the tree will actually fall. This part is a bit tricky since trees are taller than we think. They reach farther on the ground than expected.

It is wise to estimate the felling zone by using the time-tested “ax handle” trick. Of course, you’ll need to understand it thoroughly before putting it into practice.

In order to fell a tree in the desired direction,

  • Hold your ax at arm’s length.
  • Close one eye and move away from or towards the tree until the top of the ax is even with the top of the tree, and the bottom of the ax is even with the tree’s base.
  • Your feet should be around the same area where the treetop will end up falling.

Be mindful, however, that this is only an estimate. Make sure to allow extra room for the actual fall.

3. Clear the Fall Area

Think about where you’re going to cut and check if there’s any object or structure in the way. Ensure that the entire path of the fall is devoid of anything that can be damaged. This includes active power cables. You’ll also need to ensure that no one will be present in the fall area when the tree removal is in progress.

4. Choose the Right Equipment

Using the right tree removal equipment and tools is crucial to the job. By using incorrect equipment, you risk damaging the tree, destroying your property, and injuring yourself. You can either buy the equipment at a hardware store or rent it from a rental firm. To be sure you get the right stuff, talk to the staff about what you want to do. They’ll recommend the right tools, making it easy for you to make sound choices.

5. Keep Yourself Safe

Tree removal entails more than just climbing a ladder and sawing a tree. You’ll need to take steps to protect yourself too. After all, any injury to you would mean a failed tree removal job.

Make sure you shield your body with the appropriate safety gear. For instance, you’ll need a pair of safety googles to protect your eyes from chips of wood. You’ll also want to wear robust leg protection gear, like strong boots, in case the saw kicks out upon hitting a snag in the tree.

6. Hire the Pros

In case you’re second guessing your tree removal skills or aren’t entirely sure you can handle a job of this volume, you should call tree removal services. They have the necessary knowledge, skills, and equipment to help you achieve the best possible results.

A lot of people shy away from hiring professionals is because of the supposedly-high tree removal service cost. However, this isn’t true. In fact, every penny you spend will be worth it because your personal safety as well as your property’s protection will be guaranteed.

Moreover, professional tree removal personnel are trained, certified, and insured to perform the job most efficiently, which means you that you and your home will be in safe hands.

And of course, once the tree is cut, there will be leftover branches and debris to dispose of. Professional tree removal service providers will do the needful in an eco-friendly manner. So, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

In Conclusion

Tall green trees add beauty to your yard, offer shade in the sweltering heat, provide privacy to your home, bear bountiful fruits and flowers, and improve the value of your property. However, if they aren’t cared for or don’t age well, they can become a threat to your home and family.

Fortunately, you can mitigate risks posed by such trees by going for tree removal. If things get tricky, you can always engage professional tree removal services to handle the job quickly and safely.

If you’re looking to hire tree removal company, think of Utah Tree Co. Our experts are licensed, insured, and certified to perform all tree-related jobs in the most efficient manner. Contact us to know more about how we can help you.