Tree Removal with a Crane: Everything You Need to Know

Tree CoTree Removal

Tree Removal with a Crane: Everything You Need to Know

Trees provide shade, boost your overall curb appeal, and may also lower your energy bills. But sometimes, tree removal is a necessary task. After all, you don’t want a damaged tree to fall on your roof or car. The general rule of thumb is that you cannot restore a tree if it is more than 50% damaged. But tree removal … Read More

Summer Trimming Do’s and Don’ts: Maintaining Tree Health and Shape

Tree CoTree Removal, Tree Trimming, Utah County Tree Services

Summer Trimming Do’s and Don’ts: Maintaining Tree Health and Shape

In summertime most gardeners are ready to enjoy the results of their year-long labor. There’s nothing like sitting under your large, shady tree, watching your shrubs thrive in the growing season. That’s until you look up and notice a few precarious branches just waiting to tear off in a strong wind. When trees are overgrown, damaged, or not looking their … Read More

Spring Tree Removal: Enhancing Your Property’s Safety and Appearance

Tree CoTree Removal, Tree Trimming, Utah County Tree Services

Spring Tree Removal: Enhancing Your Property’s Safety and Appearance

Homeowners usually think that adding more greens is a great way to spruce up their outdoor living space. However, you may also want to consider spring tree removal as a way to revamp your property’s exterior area.  Think about it – removing certain trees can not only help improve the airflow around your home, but also free up space for … Read More

7 Essential Aerial Lift Safety Tips You Should Remember

Tree CoChipper, Tree Removal, Tree Trimming

7 Essential Aerial Lift Safety Tips You Should Remember

Owning a home in Utah brings with it several responsibilities. Maintaining your landscape through proper tree care, trimming, and tree removal is among the chief ones to ensure the health, safety, and beauty of your property.  While some homeowners handle landscape maintenance themselves, it’s important to realize that tree trimming can be hazardous and exhausting. It’s always a good idea … Read More

5 Tried and Tested Methods for Removing Tree Stumps

Tree CoStump Grinding, Stump Removal, Tree Removal

5 Tried and Tested Methods for Removing Tree Stumps

In Utah, summers are usually hot and dry. So, planting trees on your Utah property comes with many benefits. They provide shade, lower the temperature, reduce air-conditioning costs, protect your house from storms and strong winds, add beauty to your outdoors, and increase property value. Sometimes, however, removing or cutting down a tree makes sense. For example, a diseased or decaying … Read More

6 Tips for Protecting Your Property during Tree Removal

Tree CoTree Removal, Tree Trimming

6 Tips for Protecting Your Property during Tree Removal

If you live in a home that boasts a lush yard, you probably know that trees can greatly enhance the look and value of your property. But when trees become overgrown or start decaying, they can pose several risks to your house and family. This, in turn, necessitates an immediate tree removal.   If you’re facing this situation, don’t worry. … Read More

Tree Trimming Dos and Don’ts That You Should Be Aware Of

Tree CoDavis County Tree Services, Salt Lake Tree Services, Tree Care, Tree Trimming, Utah County Tree Services

Tree Trimming Dos and Don’ts That You Should Be Aware Of

Tree trimming and pruning is a big part of a property owner’s life. However, not everyone is aware of the proper trimming and pruning methods.  The fact is, tree trimming isn’t as simple as it seems and requires the expertise of a licensed commercial tree servicesprovider. Learning about the right tree trimming and pruning techniques can take years. This is why hiring tree care services can … Read More

Is Winter Tree Removal in Utah a Good Idea?

Tree CoDavis County Tree Services, Salt Lake Tree Services, Tree Removal, Utah County Tree Services

Is Winter Tree Removal in Utah a Good Idea?

Whatever you want to do with a tree, whether trim, prune, move, or remove, it’s always a good idea to get season-specific advice. The lifecycle of trees makes some seasons better than others for different tasks. Like tree removal. Is winter tree removal in Utah a good idea? Yes! Let us tell you why. Why Winter Tree Removal in Utah … Read More