How Do You Measure The Height of A Tree in Your Backyard?

Tree CoTree Care

How Do You Measure The Height of A Tree in Your Backyard?

Trees add a curb appeal to your property, whether a house or an office building. They can also help you save energy. Carefully positioned trees can reduce your energy consumption for heating and cooling by up to 25%, saving $100 to $250 in energy costs annually. But the trees need to be healthy. And one of the signs of healthy trees … Read More

5 Winterizing Tips to Keep Your Trees Healthy Through the Cold Season

Tree CoTree Care

5 Winterizing Tips to Keep Your Trees Healthy Through the Cold Season

Trees and shrubs have life cycles through seasons, where they need to get a certain amount of nutrition and rest to grow well. When it comes to the winter season, most trees experience what is called a dormancy period. In simple words, it’s a time for rest or “sleep” for trees. The amount and quality of sleep they get is … Read More

6 Tips to Help Keep Your Trees Disease-Free

Tree CoTree Care

6 Tips to Help Keep Your Trees Disease-Free

Utah homeowners love having lush, green trees in their yard. Healthy trees not only add beauty to an outdoor area, they also provide shade, oxygen, food, among other things.   However, anyone with a yard will agree that keeping trees healthy is no mean task. It requires timely and foolproof preventive measures. As an experienced tree service company, we know … Read More

What Does a Commercial Tree Services Provider Do?

Tree CoTree Care, Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Utah County Tree Services

What Does a Commercial Tree Services Provider Do?

Besides being indispensable for the environment, trees are also a landscaping staple for Utah homeowners. Nothing makes your home stand out like a gracefully planted row of lush green trees. Plus, trees provide cooling shade in the summer, prevent soil erosion, and even help reduce your HVAC costs. However, growing healthy and attractive trees involves a lot more than simply … Read More

6 Great Tips for Making Your Trees Grow Faster

Tree CoTree Care, Tree Trimming

6 Great Tips for Making Your Trees Grow Faster

Tall, bushy, and luxurious trees can take any landscape up a notch. Imagine opening your windows to a lush green view every morning! The perks don’t end there. Aesthetics aside, trees also: Improve the air quality around your home Provide shade Protect your home from wind damage Keep your home hidden from prying eyes Prevent soil erosion caused by rain … Read More

13 Serious Risks Involved in DIY Tree Removal

Tree CoStump Removal, Tree Care, Tree Removal

13 Serious Risks Involved in DIY Tree Removal

Cutting down a tree may seem like a simple task, but when you really think about it, it’s quite complicated. Most homeowners don’t know this, but getting the job correctly and safely done requires ample prior knowledge and experience. DIY tree removal goes beyond simply hitting the base of the trunk with an axe or a chainsaw and letting it fall. … Read More

How to Keep Trees from Destroying Your Home and Vehicles

Tree CoSalt Lake Tree Services, Stump Grinding, Stump Removal, Tree Care, Tree Trimming

How to Keep Trees from Destroying Your Home and Vehicles

Here in Utah, we love our trees! Hot summers can be eased by the shade of a beautiful tree. Trees are vital for the environment. They provide oxygen, shed, and food, improve air quality, conserve soil and water, and shelter the wildlife. But homeowners also go to great lengths to plant trees around the house. Thanks to regular tree trimming and … Read More

5 Reasons Why You Should Trim Your Trees in the Spring

Tree CoTree Care, Tree Trimming

5 Reasons Why You Should Trim Your Trees in the Spring

Spring is the season of fresh starts. It is when you bust out your cleaning supplies and scrub every hidden corner of your home. From ceiling fans to window tracks, nothing goes unnoticed. But what about your garden? Most homeowners plan to spend the first warm day of the year collecting branches, removing mulch, and cutting grass. However, chances are … Read More

How Are You Going to Remove Our Tree?

Tree CoDavis County Tree Services, Salt Lake Tree Services, Tree Care, Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Utah County Tree Services

How Are You Going to Remove Our Tree?

We remove a lot of trees for homeowners throughout Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas. Most of the time, our clients ask us something along the lines of, “How are you going to remove our tree?” You might be wondering something similar. “How are you going to remove our tree?” There are several important things we focus on to … Read More