Winter Tree Removals: 4 Benefits and Tips You Can’t Ignore 

Tree CoTree Removal

Winter Tree Removals: 4 Benefits and Tips You Can’t Ignore 

Do you have a damaged, diseased, or unsightly tree in your yard that you want gone? Like most homeowners, you’re probably waiting for spring or summer to call for help.  Sure, it’s tough to work outdoors in cold weather (especially given the amount of snow Utah gets). But contrary to popular belief, it is possible to remove trees in the winter. In fact, the cold season is considered ideal for trimming, pruning, and cutting down trees- thanks to a host of reasons.

Intrigued? In this post, we’ll walk you through a few benefits of tree removals in winter. We’ll also share some tips on chopping down trees in the best way possible during this season.

4 Benefits of Winter Tree Removals

Most of our clients are surprised to learn about the many benefits of winter tree removals. Let’s explore a few of them.

1. It’s Easier to Remove Dormant Trees

Dormant trees are easier to manage, primarily because they are leafless. Besides making the tree lighter (and reducing your post-fall clean-up duties), the lack of foliage lets you look for visible signs of mold, decay, and other diseases which you might have missed during periods of low visibility.

That’s not all. In Utah, the ground freezes over in winter, enabling tree removal companies to use their heavy machinery without inflicting any significant damage to your landscape. Additionally, your lawn and other plants are also dormant, so crews can work around these areas without messing up your turf, gardens, or root zones. It’s a win-win!

2. You Prevent the Snow from Snapping Weak Branches  

When a tree dies, its branches dry out and become brittle. And this can snowball into a serious problem once all the winter ice and snow arrive. 

Decaying branches may be unable to handle the weight of snow settling on them. As a result, they may snap and crash to the ground unceremoniously. 

Falling branches can crack through your roof, siding, and windows, placing your home and family in harm’s way. Not to mention, you wouldn’t be comfortable with weak, snow-laden branches hovering overhead while you’re trying to build a snowman with your kids. 

Removing a dead tree in winter is removing a safety hazard. The quicker you get it out of the way, the better.

3. You Can Lower the Risk of a Pest Infestation

Decaying trees are a goldmine for insects, pests, and other critters. While this is natural in the wild, the last thing you’d want is for termites, wood borers, and carpenter ants to settle into your yard- and in turn, your home. Hence, it’s best to get rid of a decaying tree in winter to minimize the risks of a potential pest infestation the following spring. 

4. You’ll Have Time to Redesign Your Garden Before Spring

Winter tree removals can have a profound impact on your yard. For starters, the shade-loving perennials growing under tree canopies might suffer once the sunnier months roll around. Fortunately, cutting down your trees in winter should give you enough time to redesign your garden and relocate these shade shrubs. 

Also, if you used your now-dead tree as a source of shade for outdoor brunches in the summer, getting rid of it early in winter will help you plan for a replacement structure, such as a pergola.

4 Tips to Successfully Remove Your Trees in Winter

Fair warning, chopping a mature tree can be a dangerous thing to do. Ideally, you should hire an expert tree services provider to take on the job. But in case you decide to walk the DIY route, here are four tips to keep in mind.

1. Always Wear the Right Safety Gear

Safety isn’t a throwaway when it comes to felling massive trees with chainsaws. Before you begin, we advise you stock up on a few essential safety equipment, including:

  • A logger’s helmet to protect you from falling branches
  • Earmuffs and a face shield to cover your mouth and eyes
  • Safety glasses to keep the dust at bay
  • Kevlar chaps

No tree removal project is worth a trip to the emergency room. Unless you’re sure about what you’re doing, call the pros for assistance.

2. Clear the Low-Hanging Branches 

Low-hanging branches can complicate the felling process, because they serve as obstacles and keep you from reaching the best spot to cut. Additionally, a large lower limb might cause the tree to shift on its side when it hits the ground.

Hence, you must take the time to cut away the low-hanging branches before proceeding with the fell. But remember to only remove branches growing at or below shoulder level. Holding a chainsaw above your head is incredibly dangerous and should be avoided.

3. Keep a Lookout

Let’s face it: winter tree removals might be too hard for a single person. You’ll be a lot safer if you have a trusted assistant standing a few feet behind you, with their eyes trained on the treetop. They’ll be able to let you know when the tree starts to fall. Ask your assistant to tap you on the shoulder, so you can vacate the area in time.

4. Aim the Tree Right

A falling tree is beyond your control, meaning it’s important to decide which way you want it to tumble well in advance. 

Measure the tree’s height to ensure there’s enough space for it to fall safely. The landing spot must be reasonably level to prevent the tree from rolling or bouncing. Also, since a felled tree can pull down several others, you’d want a relatively clear fall path. 

All this can be a little difficult to ace on your own, which is why tree removals are best left to a professional tree removal company in Utah, like Utah Tree Co. As trusted tree services specialists, we always bring our A-game to every project.

A quick word of caution. Never stand directly behind a falling tree. The stump can snap and kick the tree back to you, resulting in serious injuries. Also, do not approach the tree with a chainsaw if it doesn’t fall immediately. Only pull at it with a tester rope. 

The Bottom Line

There you have it: four essential benefits and tips for winter tree removals! 

Although most trees can be trimmed, pruned, and removed all year round, winter tree removals take the cake big time. Hopefully, this post has given you some insight into why winter removals are so favorable and how you can do things the right way.

Do you need a tree removed this winter? Utah Tree Co. is here to help! We offer a variety of tree work in Utah, from pruning and tree trimming to stump grinding and emergency clean-ups. For more information about our tree removal services, call today!