Learn How to Protect Your Trees in the Winter Season

Tree CoTree Care, Tree Trimming

Learn How to Protect Your Trees in the Winter Season

With winters almost upon us, homeowners need to start thinking about protecting their trees, and shrubs from damage inflicted by wind, snow, and freezing temperatures. After all, you don’t want these elements to hurt or kill your foliage, leaving your backyard looking bare in spring! Of course, removing snow can help protect your trees and plants, but you can do … Read More

Top 5 Reasons to Trim Your Trees and Shrubs During Utah’s Winter

Rich RaylDavis County Tree Services, Stump Grinding, Tree Removal, Tree Trimming

Top 5 Reasons to Trim Your Trees and Shrubs During Utah’s Winter

There’s a common misconception that trees can’t be removed or pruned in Utah during the winter months. It’s easy to see why people think this. They’re spending less time outdoors, so yard work just isn’t on their minds. They think that the cold won’t be good for the wounds left by pruning. They also think it’s going to take forever … Read More