Difference Between Tree Pruning and Tree Trimming in Utah

Tree CoDavis County Tree Services, Salt Lake Tree Services, Tree Care, Tree Trimming

Difference Between Tree Pruning and Tree Trimming in Utah

For the average homeowner, it’s normal to assume that pruning trees and trimming trees are the same things. But the truth is, there are some key differences. When you are looking for services like tree pruning and tree trimming in Utah, it can be helpful to know the difference between the two.

Tree Pruning Vs Tree Trimming in Utah

Tree pruning and tree trimming both involve the same basic task – cutting away material from a tree. However, there are key differences.

Tree Pruning

Pruning trees and bushes is important for the health of the plant. Over time, every plant accumulates dead material, like dead branches. You need to remove those dead branches to maintain the health of the tree. Failing to prune at the right time and in the right way can cause damage to the tree.

Most pruning is done using hand shears, loppers, and pruning saws for thick branches. Pruning can be fairly involved and requires careful attention to detail. It also requires that you understand the plant and its lifecycle for you to do it properly.

Tree Trimming

Tree trimming in Utah and throughout the world focuses on the appearance of the tree. You can trim trees to meet certain design requirements or safety requirements. For example, you might need to trim a tree to avoid a power line.

Trees often produce significant growth each year, growth that you need to control to maintain size and shape. We use trimming clippers, usually gas-powered, to trim trees for our customers.

How Do You Know if You Need Pruning or Trimming?

It’s difficult to give a general answer that would apply to all readers. The best way to know if you need tree pruning or tree trimming services is to speak to a professional arborist. Fortunately, we have you covered. Our team gives free consultations for potential clients where you can discuss your needs and get expert advice.

Most likely, we will need to prune and trim your trees each year. These services are best at different times of the year. We can develop a plan with you to ensure that your trees are always as healthy and as attractive as possible.

Questions About Tree Health and Appearance?

It’s normal to have questions about your trees. They play an important part in your landscape and their care can be quite complicated. We are happy to answer all of your questions. Just give us a call or complete our online contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. We give free estimates, so there is no charge for speaking with us.

Please call us today at (801) 386-2405 or complete our secure online contact form to get started.