Best Time to Plant a Tree in Utah

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Best Time to Plant a Tree in Utah

At Utah Tree Co., we are often asked by clients when the best time to plant a tree in Utah is. While you can find general information about planting trees, it’s always a good idea to get specific information for your situation. Planting advice can differ depending on the species and the climate. We encourage you to give us a call for custom advice. That being said, we can give you some general insight into when to plant trees.

What Is the Best Time to Plant a Tree in Utah?

According to the Utah State University Forestry Extension, both spring and fall are good times to plant a tree. Let’s look at Utah State’s advice in more detail:

It’s best to plant trees in spring when they are still dormant.

The advice to plant trees in spring is particular about the condition of the tree. That’s because there is a sweet spot you ideally want to hit with planting. Putting a dormant tree in the ground – when the buds are still tight and closed – just after the soil has thawed is perfect. The tree can come out of dormancy and take advantage of the cooler temperatures and the soil moisture that is common in spring.

Planting in fall also works, but care is necessary.

Utah State says that planting in fall is perfectly fine as well for many species. Fall in Utah can be quite dry though, depending on the year, so it’s important to pay attention to watering.

The Arbor Day Foundation is a proponent of planting trees in fall. It argues that planting in fall gives the tree an extra season to get established before the summer – which can seriously stress trees. It says that you don’t really have to worry about freezing in winter because the tree will go dormant. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, “Even if there is snow on the ground, if you’re able to stick a spade into the soil, it’s still ok to plant.”

So what’s the right answer?

Utah State prefers planting in spring, while the Arbor Day Foundation prefers fall. Which should you choose?

In our experience, either can work – especially if you are careful in your selection of species, purchase healthy trees, and adjust for the climate at the time. We have helped homeowners plant trees in every season. As long as we have a plan, like a regular watering schedule, we can usually make it work.

Best Time to Plant a Tree in Utah? Ask a Professional

General advice you find online can certainly be helpful, but it doesn’t substitute expert insight. If you are wondering when the best time to plant a tree in Utah is, just give us a call at (801) 386-2405. One of our team members will be happy to help. You can also fill out our online contact form to book a free bid.

Whether you need tree trimming, tree removal, or tree planting assistance, we are here to help!